Jan 9, 2014

1809 Redingote for an Australian Autumn promenade and picnic

I have been researching making an 1809 Redingote and am collecting together fabric and trim for when I have a moment to sew something for myself. Hopefully I can start this in February. The weather is too warm right now but it should be perfect in Autumn for Jane Austen Festival Australia. There is a promenade and picnic in the Australian National Botanic Gardens on Sunday 13 April that will be perfect.
Australian National Botanic Gardens, Canberra
1809 Redingote
I've found some faux Astrakhan online and placed an order. Sabine told me that the French description says it is a plush silk velvet to imitate Astrakhan, but as an imitation it is not available these days. Soon after receiving this information I found a vintage coat on ebay that I have purchased and will try using - but will experiment making the trim out of faux fur first. (what a tongue twister!)
I've found an Etsy seller who is making me a decorated riding hat with feathers and veil - will let you know as soon as it arrives.


Keith said...

Shared at:
Regards, Keith.

Aylwen said...

Thanks Keith :)

Kleidung um 1800 said...

I'm glad the info of the different types of period velvet (silk plush) proofed to be helpful for you!
Looking forward to seeing the garment being created.


Aylwen said...

Sabine, I'm so glad that I can discuss these things with you! I have so much more to learn though, so this will be a very big experiment. My first challenge is how to treat the edges of the trim in a period manner and then sew it onto the coat - all the fur applique guides these days say to zigzag or overlock the edges - I haven't seen fur up close on a regency garment yet.

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