Jul 17, 2013

Upcoming Historical Fashion Classes in Canberra

2013 Historical Fashion Classes in Canberra, Australia

Our facility is a private and self-contained environment in central Canberra. Some of the Workshops offered in the past have been Elizabethan, 18th century and Regency stays, Victorian corsets, Elizabethan gowns, 1780s gowns, regency gowns, victorian bustle gowns, regency tailcoats, bonnets and chemises from all eras. As always, your continued patronage and support have allowed us to bring you these workshops. Visit our 2013 Events page to find an event to wear your new outfit.

Creating an 1890s wardrobe.
Fridays, 6.30pm - 9.00pm, Yarralumla (level 1)
26 July - 23 August 2013
Join Aylwen making a wardrobe for 1890s dancing. We will make undergarments and a gown with day and evening bodice options.

5-6-7 October 2013 : announcement coming soon regarding a Historic Costume & Dance Weekend in Canberra over the public holiday long weekend.
Venue: All Saints Ainslie, 9-15 Cowper St, Ainslie ACT 2602

How to choose a class appropriate to your sewing level
Level 1 
Beginner level. Participant should have basic hand sewing skills and some knowledge of historical clothing. You may or may not have made a costume using a commercial pattern. If using a sewing machine you should be familiar with your machine and have had it serviced recently.

Level 2
This is an intermediate level. Good hand and/or machine sewing skills are required. You should have produced an article of hstorical clothing using a pattern (or draping) and have fitted that piece of clothing. You should have some familiarity with historical attire of the era the class is focusing on. Ladies should own their own stays/corset and shift.

Level 3
This is an advanced class. Solid hand and/or machine sewing skills are required. It is best that you have taken an intermediate course with us.

Level 4
This is an advanced plus class. Participants in this course should have already taken more then one fitting class and be familiar thru observation with the garment being produced. Student should be very comfortable with the historical fashion style and should own all appropriate underpinnings, such as stays, hoops or rolls, shift etc. For men they should own a properly made shirt, breeches and waistcoat.

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