Aug 1, 2012

1780s Stays Diary - Day 2

Not much to report about my progress - which is done alongside my day job at the Australian National University and evening dinner and dessert preparation.

I am using a leather needle that makes it easier to get through the thick layers. Having carpal tunnel means my hands get sore after two rows so I have to rest often.

I am still working on the first piece but have passed the halfway point. It is so nice to step back and see some progress!


  1. Good to know a leather needle is key to getting through it all. Yes, rest between a few channels. I have arthritis in my dominant hand which is my right. I have to force myself to stop and take a break. Bummer as I know you understand once you get into the swing of the hand sewing it becomes soothing and relaxing and even fun. Cheers.

  2. Have to add that every now and again the leather needle cuts the thread - but the good outweighs the bad - at least I'm getting something done and only have to backtrack a little bit. For the last few rows I've tried coming in at an angle and haven't had any problems so far. I'm using a thinner thread than normal.

  3. How many panels have you gotten through now?! Hahah I can't wait to see this finished!

  4. Can I groan? I've come down with another instalment of the flu :( so, very slowly...
