Dec 21, 2011

Christmas Recipes Past

TO MAKE A HACKIN. From a Gentleman in Cumberland.
SIR, THERE are some Counties in England, whose Customs are never to be set aside and our Friends in Cumberland, as well as some of our Neighbours in Lancashire, and else-where, keep them up. It is a Custom with us every Christmas-Day in the Morning, to have, what we call an Hackin, for the Breakfast of the young Men who work about our House; and if this Dish is not dressed by that time it is Day-light, the Maid is led through the Town, between two Men, as fast as they can run with her, up Hill and down Hill, which she accounts a great shame. But as for the Receipt to make this Hackin, which is admired so much by us, it is as follows. Take the Bag or Paunch of a Calf, and wash it, and clean it well with Water and Salt ; then take some Beef-Suet, and shred it small, and shred some
Apples, after they are pared and cored, very small. Then put in some Sugar, and some Spice beaten small, a little Lemon-Peel cut very fine, and a little Salt, and a good quantity of Grots, or whole Oat-meal, steep'd a Night in Milk; then mix thefe all together, and add as many Currans pick'd clean from the Stalks, and rubb'd in a coarfe Cloth ; but let them not be wash'd. And when you have all ready, mix them together, and put them into the Calf's-Bag, and tye them up, and boil them till they are enough. You may, if you will, mix up with the whole, some Eggs beaten, which will help to bind it. This is our Custom to have ready, at the opening of the Doors, on Christmas- Day in the Morning. It is esteem'd here; but all that I can say to you of it, is, that it eats somewhat like a Chrifimas-Pye, or is some-what like boil’d. I had forgot to say, that with the rest of the Ingredients, there should be some Lean of tender Beef minced small.
From Richard Bradley, The Country Housewife and Lady’s Director.(London:1732, pp.122- 123.

Mix very thoroughly one pound of finely-grated bread with the same quantity of flour, two you pounds of raisins stoned, two of currants, two of suet minced small, one of sugar, half a pound of candied peel, one nutmeg, half an ounce of mixed spice, and the grated rinds of two lemons; mix the whole with sixteen eggs well beaten and strained, and add four glasses of brandy. These proportions will make three puddings of good size, each of which should be boiled six hours.
Bread-crumbs, 1 lb. ; flour, 1 lb. ; suet, 2 lbs. ; currants, 2 lbs. ; raisins, '2 lbs. ; sugar, 1 lb. ; candied peel, 1 lb. ; rinds of lemons, 2 ; nutmegs, 1 ; mixed spice, 2 oz.; salt, 4 teaspoonsful; eggs, 16 ; brandy, 4 glassesfuls : 6 hours.
Obs.—A fourth part of the ingredients given above, will make a pudding of sufficient size for a small party : to render this very rich, half the flour and bread-crumbs may be omitted, and a few spoonsfuls of apricot marmalade well blended with the remainder of the mixture.
From Eliza Acton, Modern Cookery. (London: 1845).

This is a favourite sauce with custard, plain bread, and plum-puddings. With two ounces of sugar and a quarter-pint of water, boil very gently the rind of half a small lemon, and somewhat less of orange-peel, from fifteen to twenty minutes ; strain out the rinds, thicken the sauce with an ounce and a half of butter and nearly a teaspoonful of flour, add a halfglass of brandy, the same of white wine, two thirds of a glass of rum, with the juice of half an orange, and rather less of lemon- juice : serve the sauce very hot, but do not allow it to boil after the spirit is stirred in.
Sugar, 2 ozs. ; water, 4 pint ; lemon and orange rind : 14 to 20 minutes. Butter, 11 oz. ; flour, 1 teaspoonful ; brandy and white wine each wineglassful ; rum, two thirds of glassful ; orange and lemon juice.
From Eliza Acton, Modern Cookery. (London: 1845).

Dissolve in half a pint of sherry or of Madeira, from three to four ounces of fine sugar, but do not allow the wine to boil; stir it hot to the well-beaten yolks of six fresh eggs, and mill the sauce over a gentle fire until it is well thickened, and highly frothed; pour it over a plum, or any other kind of sweet boiled pudding, of which it much improves the appearance. Half the quantity will be sufficient for one of moderate size. A small machine, resembling a chocolate mill, is used in Germany for frothing this sauce, but a couple of silver forks, fastened to- gether at the handles, will serve for the purpose, in an emergency. We recommend the addition of a dessertspoonful of strained lemon-juice to the wine.
For large pudding, sherry or Madeira, 1 pint ; fine sugar, 3 to 4 ozs. ; yolks of eggs, 6 ; lemonjuice (if added), 1 -dessert-spoonful.
Obs.—The safer plan with sauces liable to curdle is to thicken them always in a jar or jug, placed in a saucepan of water ; when this is not done, they should be held over the fire, but never placed upon it.
From Eliza Acton, Modern Cookery. (London: 1845).

SAWSE MADAME (Our oldest roast goose recipe).
Take sawge. persel. ysope. and saueray. quinces. and peeres, garlek and Grapes. and fylle the gees þerwith. and sowe the hole þat no grece come out. and roost hem wel. and kepe the grece þat fallith þerof. take galytyne and grece and do in a possynet, whan the gees buth rosted ynowh; take an smyte hem on pecys. and þat tat is withinne and do it in a possynet and put þerinne wyne if it be to thyk. do þerto powdour of galyngale. powdour douce and salt and boyle the sawse and dresse þe Gees in disshes and lay þe sowe onoward.
Take sage, parsley, hyssop and savoury, quinces and pears, garlic and grapes and fill the geese therewith and sew the hole that no grease comes out and roast them well and keep the fat that falleth thereof. Take galantine and fat and do (cook) in a posnet, when the geese are roasted enough, take them and cut them in pieces, and that that is within cook in a posnett and put therein wine if it is too thick. Do thereto powder of galingale, powder douce and salt and boil the sauce and dress the geese in dishes and lay the sauce on top. Posnet was a three legged saucepan, sometimes also called a skillet. Galantine was a sauce made by boiling red wine, a cinnamon stick, a little vinegar or verjuice and some sugar together. It was then sweetened with a little sugar. Powdour douce was a sweetened spice powder much used in court cookery across Europe. It probably varied according to the cook’s preferences. One recipe (poudre douce) in Le Menagier de Paris (c.1393), which is contemporary with the Forme of Cury, contains cinnamon, ginger, grains of paradise, nutmeg, galingale and sugar ground together.
From The Forme of Cury. (c. 1390) Edited by Samuel Pegge. (London: 1780).

Take seven pounds of flour, make a cavity in the center, set a sponge with a gill and a half of yeast and a little warm milk; then put round it one pound of fresh butter broke into small lumps, one pound and a quarter of sifted sugar, four pounds and a half of currants washed and picked, half an ounce of sifted cinnamon, a quarter of an ounce of pounded cloves, mace, and nutmeg mixed, sliced candied orange or lemon peel and citron. When the sponge is risen, mix all the ingredients together with a little warm milk; let the hoops be well papered and buttered, then fill them with the mixture and bake them, and when nearly cold ice them over with sugar prepared for that purpose as per receipt; or they may be plain.
From John Mollard, The Art of Cookery. (London 1803).

Take three pints of the best brandy, as much spring-water, a pint or better of the best limejuice, a pound of double refined sugar. This punch is better than weaker punch, for it does not so easily affect the head, by reason of the large quantity of lime-juice more than common, and it is more grateful and comfortable to the stomach.
From William Salmon, The Family Dictionary (London: 1711).

Prepare a custard cream ice with six ounces of chestnut farina added to the other ingredients composing the custard, and mix therewith stoned raisins, currants, candied peels, shred pistachios, and a wine-glassful of curacoa; mould the ice in a Charlotte mould, and when dished up pour a vanilla cream ice half frozen over it.
From Charles Elmé Francatelli, The Royal Confectioner. (London: 1891 – sixth edition).

Take strong Broth of a Leg or Shin of Beef, Neck-beef, and Neck of Mutton; boil them 'till you have boil'd all the Goodness out of the Meat ; strain the Broth, and when it is cold take off all the Fat, (if you please;) then put the Crum of a quarter Loaf grated into three Gallons of Broth, or proportionable ; let the Bread steep in the Broth for an Hour, then set it on the Eire, and put in half a dozen Cloves, a Nutmeg or two, half a dozen Blades of Mace whole, and Cinnamon broken into small bits,two or three Pound of Currans, two Pound of Raisins, half a Pound of Dates ston'd and slic'd, season it with Salt, boil all gently, then put in a Quart of Canary, and a Quart of Red-port, let all boil 'till the Fruit is plump, and when you serve it up, put in a little Grape Verjuice, and Juice of Orange.
From John Nott, The Cooks and Confectioner’s Dictionary. (London; 1723).

Take a fine large turkey, a goose, a large fowl, a partridge, and a pigeon, and bone them all nicely, beat half an ounce of mace, half an ounce of nutmegs, a quarter of an ounce of cloves, half an ounce of white Pepper ground, and two large spoonsful of salt, all mixed together; open all the fowls down the back, lay the turkey on the dresser, season it is the inside, lay the goose breast downwards in the turkey, then season the goose, put in the fowl the fame way, then the partridge, then the pigeon, close them together, to make them look like a whole turkey, as well as you can; case and bone a hare, and cut it in pieces, with six woodcocks, moor game, or small wild fowl, all boned; make a bushel of flour with ten pounds of butter into a paste, as directed, make the bottom and sides very thick, and raise it as high as you can, put in some seasoning, then lay in the turkey, &c. breast uppermost, lay the hare on one fide, and the woodcocks, moor game, or wild fowl, on the other side, sprinkle seasoning over all, put four pounds of butter on the top, lay on a thick lid, ornament the sides and top, but first rub it over with the yolk of an egg, put paper over it, and bake it in a hot oven for six hours; let it stand till it is cold before you cut it. It will keep a good while.
From Richard Briggs, The English Art of Cookery. (London: 1794. Third Edition).

Boil a small neat’s tongue till it is tender, peel it, and cut of the root and tip-end; bone a large goose and a large fowl; mix half an ounce of beaten mace with a spoonful of pepper and one of salt, season the inside of the fowl and goose, put the fowl in the goose, and the tongue in the fowl; make the hot paste, with half a peck of flour, as directed in the beginning of this chapter, raise it high, put in the goose breast uppermost, sprinkle some seasoning on it, lay on half a pound of butter, put on the lid, rub it all over with the yolk of an egg, ornament the sides and top, and bake it three hours; if it is to be eat hot, put the bones of the goose and fowl into a sauce-pan, with a quart of water, a bundle of sweet herbs, two blades of mace, a little pepper and salt, and stew it till it is above half wasted; then strain it off, and one hour before the pie is done take it out, and put the liquor in, and when it is done send it to table hot. If it is to be eat cold, put no liquor in when it is cold, cut it in slices across if you please, put it in a dish and garnish with parsley for a side dish for supper.
From Richard Briggs, The English Art of Cookery. (London: 1794. Third Edition).

First, bone a turkey, a goose, a brace of young pheasants, four partridges, four woodcocks, a dozensnipes, four grouse, and four widgeons; then boil and trim a small York ham and two tongues. Season and garnish the inside of the fore-named game and poultry, as directed in the foregoing case, with long fillets of fat bacon and tongue, and French truffles; each must be carefully sewn up with a needle and small twine, so as to prevent the force-meat from escaping while they are being baked. When the whole of these are ready, line two round or oval braising-pans with thin layers of fat bacon, and after the birds have been arranged therein in neat order, and covered in with layers of bacon and buttered paper, put the lids on, and set them in the oven to bake rather slowly, for about four hours: then withdraw them, and allow them to cool.
While the foregoing is in progress, prepare some highly-seasoned aspic-jelly with the carcasses of the game and poultry, to which add six calves'-feet, and the usual complement of vegetables, &c., and when done, let it be clarified : one-half should be reduced previously to its being poured into the pie when it is baked.
Make about sixteen pounds of hot-water-paste, and use it to raise a pie of sufficient dimensions to admit of its holding the game and poultry prepared for the purpose, for making which follow the directions contained in the foregoing article. The inside of the pie must first be lined with thin layers of fat bacon, over which spread a coating of wellseasoned force-meat of fat livers; the birds should then be placed in the following order: first, put the goose at the bottom with some of the small birds round it, filling up the cavities with some of the force-meat; then, put the turkey and the pheasants with thick slices of the boiled ham between them, reserving the woodcocks and widgeons, that these may be placed on the top: fill the cavities with force-meat and truffles, and cover the whole with thin layers of fat bacon, run a little plain melted butter over the surface, cover the pie in the usual manner, and ornament it with a bold design. The pie must now be baked, for about six hours, in an oven moderately heated, and when taken out, and after the reduced aspic above alluded to has been poured into it, stop the hole up with a small piece of paste, and set it aside in the larder to become cold.
Note. - The quantity of game, &c., recommended to be used in the preparation of the foregoing pie may appear extravagant enough, but it is to be remembered that these very large pies are mostly in request at Christmas time. Their substantial aspect renders them worthy of appearing on the side-table of those wealthy epicures who are wont to keep up the good old English style, at this season of hospitality and good cheer.
From From Charles Elmé Francatelli, The Modern Cook. (London: 1846).

Dish first round the centre slic’d figs, then currants, capers, almonds and raisins together; next beyond that, olives, beets, cabbidge-lettice, cucumbers, or slic’t lemon carved; then oyl and vinegar beaten together, the best oyl you can get, and sugar or none, as you please; garnish the brims of the dish with orangado, slict lemon jagged, olives stuck with slic’t almonds, sugar or none.
From Robert May, The Accomplisht Cook. (London: 1660).

Leach your brawn, and dish it on a plate in a fair clean dish, then put a rosemary branch on the top being first dipped in the white of an egg well beaten to a froth, or wet in water and sprinkled with flour, or a sprig of rosemary gilt with gold; the brawn spotted also with gold and silver leaves, or let your sprig be of a straight sprig of yew tree, or a straight furze bush and put about the brawn stuck round with bay-leaves three ranks round, and spotted with red and yellow jelly about the dish sides, also the same jelly and some of the brawn leached, jagged, or cut with tin moulds, and carved lemons, oranges and barberries, bay-leaves gilt, red beets, pickled barberries, pickled gooseberries, or pickled grapes.
From Robert May, The Accomplisht Cook. (London: 1660).

Take a glass of verjuice or lemon juice, with four ounces of sugar, when it has boiled to half, put it to a pot of cream, six yolks of eggs, a little butter, orange flowers, grated candied lemon peel, a little powdered cinnamon. Bake it in fine tart pastry without a cover.
From Pierre de Lune, Le Nouveau Cuisinier. Paris: 1660.

To make this delicious tart, you need to gently boil four ounces of sugar with a full wine glass of verjuice or lemon juice for about five minutes. Let this syrup cool, then mix it with a half pint of cream, six beaten egg yolks, an ounce of butter, a tablespoonful of chopped candied peel, a few finely chopped orange flowers and a pinch of powdered cinnamon. If you cannot obtain fresh orange flowers, add two teaspoons of orange flower water to the mixture. Line a tart tin with good short crust pastry and fill the case with the mixture. Bake in a moderate oven for about thirty five minutes. Do not over-cook, or the custard filling will curdle.
From John Nott’s Cooks and Confectioners Dictionary in 1723.

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