Oct 7, 2011

Snow White - fantasy supported by historical foundations

The new “Snow White” film hits theaters on March 16 2012 in the U.S. (no release date set for Australia yet). Is anyone here interested in making some of the costumes?


  1. I had no idea there was a snow white movie coming up, so thanks for sharing the news! From the pictures it looks a bit like the last alice in wonderland movie.... which I love, and I hope this one will be just as good! *running off to google Snow White Movie* :D

  2. Ok, now I'm confused... Is Charlize Theron or Julia Roberts playing the evil queen? I find pages that have quite different info, and weirdly there are nice pics supporting both. Two evil queens? A change of cast? or two different movies coming up? *confused*

    p.s. The costumes look gorgeous, and I'm looking forward to seeing reproductions made by you and other enthusiasts!

  3. Both - Universal is competing with Tarsem’s "The Brothers Grimm: Snow White" with their own, darker, "Snow White and the Huntsman".

  4. You can read about the competition here http://upandcomers.net/2011/10/05/first-look-prince-armie-hammer-and-evil-queen-julia-roberts-in-tarsem-singhs-snow-white/

  5. I've fallen in love with the Evil Queen's red gown. @_@ It's so impractical and gigantic, and absolutely fabulous! It's begging to be made.

  6. Two Snow White Movies at the same time?! Yay, twice the fun!

  7. Those costumes are magnificent!!!

  8. We're planning a Snow White Ball for the 3rd Saturday in June, 2012.
