Oct 23, 2011

1840s Dance Display 22 October 2011

Yesterday we wore our 1840s dresses, and those who hadn't joined the busy sewing projects wore their regency gowns. The weather was very hot and sunny - its been a cool Spring so far so some of us were caught unawares. For the first time I was NOT sunburnt, but the heat took its toll on me.

If you would like to join our dance classes or book us to do a dance display at your next event, contact us on garden@earthlydelights.com.au or call us on (02) 6281-1098.


  1. Oh how I would have loved to have been there!

  2. Lovely dress.
    Did a double take though seeing electric keyboard. Shouldn't it be a pianoforte? ;)

  3. Oh my, that's lovely! You all look as if you had a wonderful time!

    Happy sewing,

