Sep 12, 2011

Examples of 1780s Dress Trimmings

I've been both taking and collecting pictures of 18th century trims. I'll start with photos that I took during my visit to Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, USA, in March 2011.

Yes, there I am, taking copious notes! Looking too serious, methinks :)

I will be copying this style of pleating for my 1780s gown

An example of fly fringe

Elbow cuff trim

Trimmed stomacher

Beautiful use of lace, silk ribbon and thread buttons


  1. I was really attracted to that fly fringe when I saw it in W'burg but Janea said its very time consuming. But still I'd love to try it.
    It was amazing what they came up with for trimming, wasn't it?

  2. I think they had too much time on their hands. Maybe when my children are older I'll take up knotting!
