Another gown I've taken pictures of recently is this one-piece round gown at the Helen Geier Flynt Textile Gallery in Historic Deerfield, MA., United States. This gown is similar to the gown we will be making in a
1780s Costume Workshop in Canberra, Australia from 1-3 October 2011.
c. 1780
Blue worsted wool, linen
Blue wool tabby
Found in Litchfield, Connecticut
When you look closely at the sides you see that the gown has a drop-front. Without having an opportunity to look closer, I am guessing that it could be worn with ties to the front skirt piece tied at the back or pinned to the corset. The bodice and sleeves are lined with plain linen and the pleated back has a centre back seam.
Thank you for sharing these images from your collection visit. I always love to see extant American garments! Looking forward to seeing more (I hope!)
Alwen, I had the opportunity a few years ago to study this gown in great detail, the back pleats of the gown were just hacked off to bring it up to fashion and or resize and make it into what I call an apron front gown. A wonderful example of a contemporary (18thc) alteration.